It was the summer of 2010 when I decided to start a company that designs, tests and makes products for the discerning motorcycle tourer. Fresh from a 2 month long trip to the north eastern parts of India, with a rather short sojourn into Bhutan, I was at home thinking of what next. I had not cleared my final attempt at the civil services exam, and had been out of the corporate world for a couple of years. So I could not think of what better to do than to combine my love of motorcycle touring, and work experience at VIP Luggage than to set up a motorcycle touring accessories company, starting with luggage products. And now that was decided in my mind, I had to come up with a brand name. One that captures the essence of what the company is being set up to do as well as be universal to be used across a wider range of products that I wanted to develop over the coming years. I was struggling with finding the right name, with several options getting dropped for being generic or corny or too niche. In between this whole name hunt, I was filling the days reading books, especially on history – which was also one of my optional subjects in the civil services exam. And watching my old movie collection. One day, I watched Kubrick's Spartacus, starring Kirk Douglas. To fill in the gaps in the movie, I ended up on the internet reading more above Spartacus and the revolution he was part of. How the revolt ended was rather bloody – several thousand slaves were crucified along the most important of the Roman highways, the Appian way, or Via Appia. That name struck me and immediately I searched the Latin word for earth. And that was how the name ViaTerra came about.